What We Believe
Without a right understanding of who God is we can never fully understand who we are in Him. We are brought together as a family by the redemptive work of Christ, which is revealed as the central theme throughout the Scriptures. Our identity is determined by our beliefs, and our beliefs are formed by His revealed Word. Because of this, we take doctrine very seriously. Here is what we as a church family hold to:
I. Revelation
We believe the Bible is the Inspired, Inerrant, Infallible Word of God. It was revealed to man through divine inspiration from God. The purpose of the Word of God is to help rightly understand who He is, who we are without Him, and His redemptive plan.
II. God
There is only one living and true God, and He has revealed Himself in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
III. Man
We are created in the image of a Holy God, but because of sin we are separated from a relationship with Him. Because all men and women are the image-bearers of God, each and every life is sacred.
IV. Salvation
Salvation is the restoration of our relationship with God accomplished through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Who, though He was equal with God, humbled Himself to take on flesh through the virgin birth, teach us godliness, bear our sins, and restore our relationship with God as our ascended High Priest.
V. Response
Salvation is offered by grace through faith, and completely detached from any works. In recognition of Christ's redemption work and our need for salvation, one can only respond by acknowledging our sin, believing in His divine person and work, and committing our lives to Him.
To know more about our doctrinal identity and what draws us together as a family, see the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.